The ABCs of Living with Parkinson’s

Jim King is a loving husband who lives with and supports his wife Barbara, who was diagnosed with Neuropathy over 5 years ago.  Jim and Barbara offer encouragement, advice and support for those who are on the same journey as they are with his “Just Trying to Help: The ABC’s of Living with Parkinson’s”.

A.   Attitude…..You control your attitude. Remember your attitude is the most important factor in winning against Parkinson’s Disease (PD).

B.  Balance…..Three of the most consequential words in your life with PD are: Balance, Balance, Balance! The next three are: Don’t Fall Down!

C.  Courage…..It takes extra effort to endure life with Parkinson’s. It takes courage every day. Mark Twain said: “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.”

D.  Determination…..Together with your courage, by adding determination you will develop an extra measure of perseverance for the days when you need it.

E.  Exercise….. Keep your body strong by walking, stretching, cardio exercises, agility work, flexibility tasks, small-weight training, etc. Exercising with a group adds a strong sense of      not being “in this alone.”

F.  Fight…..PD is relentless. You should not be passive about it. Remember that whatever new issue PD throws at you today you have the attitude, courage, and determination to overcome, modify, or endure it. Fight it today! Be ready to fight it tomorrow!

G.  Gravitate…..Gravitate toward the people in your life who are supportive/warm/fun.

H.  Humor…..You’ll need it every day. When someone sees your hand shaking uncontrollably, just smile and say: “It’s a good thing I gave up on my career plan to be a brain surgeon.”

I.  Introspection…..Now, more than ever, you will need to stop and think about your life and its path. Focus on the good things. See the little things you may have missed before.

J.   Jeopardize…..This is so important it is being repeated - you may jeopardize your success against PD if you don’t exercise. Sitting around is not a good plan for people without PD, but with PD it is imperative to exercise.

K.  Knowledge…..Moderation may be key here - while it is important to gather knowledge about Parkinson’s, it may be more important not to obsess over your knowledge quest – you have it/you are fighting it/go live your life (see below).

L.  Live…..Live your life. Follow Michael J. Fox’s lead. He kept working as a Hollywood and TV star even when his movements looked odd, and his voice sounded strange.

M.  Maintain…..Maintain as active a lifestyle as you possibly can. Go, move, exercise, walk. Try new stuff - take a Delay the Disease™ class, go walk in the park, learn to juggle.

N.  Nothing…..Always remember “nothing can stop the Duke of Earl” (“Nothing can stop me now, 'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl”) and you are just like the Duke - nothing can stop you!

O. Odyssey…..You’ve embarked on an extended adventurous wandering - an odyssey. Build your plan to embrace the adventure (accept it - OK, I’m here) and fight the daily issues.

P.  Prepare…..Prepare to be successful each day. PD may mess with your plan and make the day less than successful, but it won’t be because you didn’t prepare.

Q.  Quick…..Quick, grab an avocado and a cup of green tea! Studies have found that they could help ease some symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.

R.  Remember…..Remember that your fight against Parkinson’s includes your brain, too. “Exercise your brain” with puzzles/games/number exercises. Sing songs or recite poetry.     Try this: Can you name 50 states/7 dwarfs/5 green, leafy vegetables/4 Beatles/3 Stooges?

S.   Sleep….Trouble sleeping is a reality for some people with PD. Keep trying new methods to fall asleep until you see improvement. Experts suggest keeping a regular bedtime schedule and creating a sleep routine.

T.   Teach…..Teach yourself new skills…ones that don’t interfere with your new reality. Or better yet, ones that challenge your new reality.

U.  Utilize…..Utilize all the resources you can find and don’t be shy about it. If someone or some organization might be able to help you, ask for some help.

V.  Vegetables…..Nutrition is a vital component of your “Parkinson’s Fight” and vegetables are your #1 place to start. Green, leafy vegetables are very important followed by other vegetables, then fruit, protein, and liquids. Remember to drink lots of water every day.

W. Watch….Watch the world around you and pick out the good things to enjoy. Get caught up in something besides your battle with PD. You might even be able to forget about it for a time.

X.  Xat…..A Xat is a totem pole built by American Indian tribes to honor the people who are important to them. Build yourself a mental memorial to the important people in your life and to the people on your “Beat Parkinson’s Team.” Thank them/Hug them/Honor them!

Y.  Youthfulness…..As people age many lose their youthfulness way too soon. PD can also take away some youthfulness. Fight to keep as much mental, emotional, and physical youthfulness as you can. Think young!

Z.   Zeal…..Zeal means an eager desire. Eagerly desire to be your best self to yourself, your family, your friends, and the world. The better person you are, the harder it will be for Parkinson’s to shake your spirit.

Copyright © James S. King, 2022….All Rights Reserved